הרב אורי שרקי

אלפי שיעורי תורה לצפייה, האזנה והורדה (MP3)

Rabbi Ouri Cherki – The Holiday of Humanity

Certainly you’ve heard that the Torah tells of Noah exiting the ark on the 27th day of the 2nd month. The 2nd month, according to one tradition, is Mar?esvan. If so, the 27th of Mar?esvan is the day that Noah exited the ark. And why should this be of significance to us? Essentially, on the 27th of Mar?esvan, when Noah exited the ark, a covenant was formed with all of humanity. And this is the covenant of the Seven Noahide Laws. And, more broadly, the covenant was formed between G-d and the entire of humanity. And this means that G-d decided to take custody over the history of mankind.

We also know that throughout history this Covenant – so says the Talmud and the Tana”KH (OT) – the Covenant between G-d and humanity was forgotten or, more accurately, was abandoned.
That is to say, as the Sages said in the Talmud, that “they did not fulfill the Seven Noahide Laws”. We can say that those responsible to remind humanity of this covenant is the Nation of Israel. The Nation of Israel, on top of the Noahide Covenant, brings another covenant – and this is the covenant of [Mount] Sinai – and, since then, the responsibility of sharing the word of G-d in the world passed to the Israelite Nation. Therefore, we as the Nation of Israel are required to share the word of G-d to all of humanity.

We did this in many ways throughout history. During Biblical times, the Prophets spoke. They didn’t speak only to the Nation of Israel, we see in the words of the Prophets that they spoke to all of humanity. The Prophets even left the Land [of Israel]. The most famous one being Yonah the Prophet, though not the only one, who was sent to other nations to share the word of G-d.

"The Holiday of Humanity"

Rabbi Ouri Cherki explains the importance of the day and of sharing the word of G-d to the world.
Recorded: 11/16/2017 (27 Mar?esvan of the Jewish calendar)

Noahide World Center
ברית עולם, המרכז העולמי לבני נח